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So here is the job description:
We are looking for a part time PA to help support our CEO run this fast growing business.
The applicant will be excited to work alongside us and the brand and be happy to juggle tasks across a range of different activities. You’ll be analytical, confident, pro-active, highly disciplined, focused, efficient and cheerful!
A big part of our business is running the social media campaigns, and webshop so you’ll be tech savvy and confident using wordpress, instagram, facebook and twitter and managing apps such as later.com, tailwind, hootesuite and others etc. You’ll also be happy using drop box to archive and resize images.
Other responsibilities will include collating emails, organising accounts and liasing with customers and managing the logistics.
Please note this is not a job for a creative but suitable for someone who wants to support my business in an organisational capacity. Discretion is paramount and solid experience essential.
I’m looking for 12 hours a week, so 3 x mornings 9.30-1.30 spread over the week. A level of flexibility is required to add hours when necessary. For example around busy events.
To apply please supply the following by email:
Name, location, website and social media details if relevant, CV, to include two recent references, rates, a brief 150 words on why you think you are the one for this job and three words describing yourself.
Deadline for applications is:15th February 2019
Go on, impress us!
To apply send an email to shop@cielshop.co.uk . Really looking forward to hearing from you.